David Winter
Author of 9 CRAN packages
David Winter has worked on 9 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, David Winter is on a mission. David Winter has collaborated with a whopping 28 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
9 Packages
- babetteControl 'BEAST2'
- beastierCall 'BEAST2'
- beautier'BEAUti' from R
- mmodModern Measures of Population Differentiation
- pafrRead, Manipulate and Visualize 'Pairwise mApping Format' Data
- pegasPopulation and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System
- rentrez'Entrez' in R
- rotlInterface to the 'Open Tree of Life' API
- tracererTracer from R
- Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
- Giovanni Laudanno
- Olivier Roy
- Joëlle Barido-Sottani
- Jason Griffiths
- Thijs Janzen
- Gary Napier
- Raphael Scherrer
- Paul Van Els
- Yacine B. Chehida
- Katharine S. Walter
- Pedro Taucce
- Jana Riederer
- Peter Green
- Zhian Kamvar
- Thierry Gosselin
- Murray Cox
- Kate Lee
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- Emmanuel Paradis
- Klaus Schliep
- Thibaut Jombart
- Brian Knaus
- Alastair Potts
- Scott Chamberlain
- Han Guangchun
- Francois Michonneau
- Joseph Brown